Pipe Jacking

Product pipes range from 375mm to 1350mm - watertight RCJP (reinforced concrete jacking pipe), GRP (Glass reinforced pipe) or FRP (Fibre reinforced pipe), which are installed directly behind the tunnelling unit
Types of infrastructure include gas pipes, water supplies, sewerage, power supply and communication services
Codmah may take an incremental approach to pipe jacking in unstable ground conditions, using the GBM pilot as a seek and discover option, while gradually increasing with a steel casing and finally pipe jacking the product pipe to remove the steel casing.
Direct drive uses a hydraulic ram and a laser guided tunnelling shield
Spoilt from the bore face is deposited behind the cutting wheel and transported through the pipe system using a 300 Ø auger string where it is deposited into kibbles for removal from the launch pit
Provides watertight, structural finished pipelines and reduces the creation of dust pollution during construction
Greater public safety, minimal traffic disruption, no road repairs, less cost impact, freedom in alignment and shorter timeframes.