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30th Anniversary 2021

Codmah was founded in 1991 and has demonstrated continued success, growth and expansion over the ensuing years by providing quality outcomes for our clients. Our organisation boasts a highly experienced workforce with a large fleet of plant and equipment. Our Head Office is located in Prestons, Southwest Sydney from where we manage our projects across the Sydney basin, through NSW and Nationally.​As a Civil Engineering firm, Codmah has developed expertise in trenchless technologies over the course of the past 31 years. As a leader in our industry, we have earned a reputation as a reliable service provider. Our commitment to innovation, safety, compliance and customer service, have earned us multiple industry awards and recognition. We are proud to have received many recommendation letters and client endorsements, demonstrating our commitment, safety and professional performance, as a result of a project running on time, on budget and on scope. ​Clients' satisfaction is what drives business success, so we go the extra mile to ensure our clients' satisfaction by maintaining open communication, understanding and supporting our clients' needs, and adapting to the changing expectations and the needs of the industry.

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30 Years And Counting...



2001 - 2002


2004 - 2005

2006 - 2007

2007 - 2008

2009 - 2010


2011 - 2012





2017 - 2018



2020 - 2021


Codmah is established and based in inner west Sydney. Mainly working with AGL on Gas projects throughout Sydney.

Codmah was awarded the gas infrastructure project by AGL, included the supply and construction of approximately 550kms of gas main reticulation and connection of over 8,500 customers to the AGL Gas Network in the Blue Mountains, NSW. Codmah set up an office in Faulconbridge and managed a large number of crews working between Glenbrook and Blackheath.

Codmah set up an office in Tumut for the management and construction of approximately 20kms of lateral (Feeder) mains to Gundagai and Adelong townships for Country Energy & Agility. 

Codmah are awarded the ACT Gas reinforcement project by Agility and set up office in the ACT to manage this high pressure steel gas main pipeline construction.

Codmah opens up an office in Launceston, Tasmania to manage the construction of the Launceston PE Distribution Gas Mains, Stage 1 and 2 projects for a high pressure main and medium pressure carrier main for Powerco & Agility.

Codmah are now situated in Springwood in the Blue Mountains from where multiple projects were managed nationally. We have a second office in Moorebank to manage the Sydney Primary Loop Alliance West - High Pressure Steel Gas Pipeline after forming an alliance with our client Agility.

Codmah moved to a new and larger premise at Prestons, NSW from where we are managing HDD, Case Boring and Civil Projects nationally. We find ourselves back in the Blue Mountains for the construction of Gravity Sewer Works, in alliance with PSP, for the Upper Blue Mountains Sewerage Scheme in the townships of Medlow Bath, Blackheath & Mount Victoria, NSW.

Codmah again worked in an alliance with PSP for the construction of the Three Town Sewerage Scheme at Freemans Reach, Glossodia and Wilberforce, NSW and Yellow Rock Sewerage Scheme, NSW.

Jemena Asset Management awarded the Wakehurst Parkway Capacity Development Project to Codmah. Project involved insertion of a New Secondary Pressure 250mm PE SDR9 Pipeline into an existing DN375 Steel Pipeline to provide capacity development to the Northern Beaches Area of NSW. The total length of the project was approximately 10,000 meters.

Codmah are also off to Alice Springs and Darwin to complete Case Bores for BMD Construction.

PSP Alliance saw Codmah manage and construct 12kms of reticulated PE sewer mains, and approx. 520 house connections in the township of Appin NSW.

A crossing under the Nepean River was completed for Jemena Asset Management, managed from our office in Emu Plains. The Emu Plains Purging & Commissioning of Pipeline Extension project involved extensive ground preparation works due to the geotechnical conditions on site - sands, gravels, cobbles and boulders. Codmah installed 2 x 600mm diameter casings from surface level to the bad rock using case boring and pipe ramming techniques.

Codmah set up office in Kincumber after being awarded the Replacement Sewerage Main project by Gosford City Council, which involved the replacement of a section of existing 450mm rising main (RM) with 500 OD HDPE pipe using horizontal direction drilling at Empire Bay Drive, Kincumber South (EBD), NSW.

Codmah are engaged by Ausgrid as part of the Preferred Supplier Panel for Contract Cable Laying works, including excavation and installation of conduits and backfill for cable hauling crew to install cable ranging from LV up to 11KV cables.

Codmah set up an office in the ACT for the Hume Tuggeranong Interconnect Stage 2 project for Jemena Asset Management. This project involved installing, testing and commissioning 5,700 meters of DN300 pipeline along Monaro Hwy and Isabella Drive, ACT including 6 x Pipe Jack crossings under main roads and waterways.

Following the success of the Hume Tuggeranong interconnect project, Codmah are again engaged by Jemena Asset Management for the installation of approximately 2.7km of 150NB secondary pipeline from Gungahlin to Amaroo, ACT.

Codmah set up office in Armidale to manage and construct the Airport Industrial Lands Collector Sewer project for Armidale Dumaresq Council. The project comprised the installation, testing and commissioning of uPVC gravity sewer, maintenance holes, verification structures for the sewer, oPVC rising main, two Case Bore road crossings, installation of pumping stations, polyethylene water main and conduit and pits for NBN fiberoptic cable.

Codmah find ourselves back on the Central coast as Project Managers for the Cockle Town Bay Sewerage Scheme on behalf of Central Coast Council.

Codmah undertake the Seaford Aldinga HDD River Crossing, Bowden Port and Park Terrace HDD in South Australia for Diona.

We set up office again in the ACT for the Canberra Primary Main - Fyshwick Main Line isolation Valve project for Jemena Asset Management.

Codmah complete works for Burnwell & Cambridge Electrical for the removal of mains power to Alliance stadium prior to demolition works.

Lendlease Engineering engage Codmah on The Northern Road Stg 3 - Utilities HDD Package to install electrical and communications conduits at 18 locations around South Penrith.

Codmah open an office in Rockhampton, QLD following the engagement by APA Group, QLD for the relocation of the APA Steel and PE Network, Rockhampton.

Codmah set up in Victoria for the duration of the Goulburn Murray Water Project for John Holland (VIC). This comprised the installation of DN710, DN630, DN560, DN400, DN355 HDPE pipeline and Construction of off-take structures, slip meters, junction pits, stock and domestic lines, Dewatering & decommission of existing GMW channels and Re-establishment of boundaries and fencing.

One of our major works being completed for Jemena Asset Management and Zinfra Group is the Construction of new Pigging Facilities at Horsley Park and Lidcombe on the Sydney Primary Main DN550 Pipeline. This project includes new permanent launcher facilities, temporary receiver facilities, modification of the existing buried SPM pipeline, modification of existing Pig Receiver Skid, fabrication and installation of bypass and new above ground receiver facility, DBYD and services search, welding, demolition of existing pipe sections, pipeline connection, pneumatic testing, associated civil, structural, instrument, electrical and cathodic protection, works.

Codmah are carrying out multiple simultaneous projects in the Sydney, Southwestern Sydney and Newcastle areas with Jemena Asset Management and Qenos amongst our clients.


Our main works are the construction of approximately 6.5km of DN 200 Secondary Gas main to supply gas to the new Menangle Park estate in the Campbelltown area. The construction of the new gas main will include a combination of pipe laying methods, such as open trench/backfill, case and uncased bores and horizontal directional drilling.


Works continue for the decommissioning of the Ethylene Pipeline between the former Shell Refinery site at Clyde and Qenos processing plant at Botany. Extensive consultation with a number of stakeholders including landowners, TfNSW and ARTC for rail corridor access is being conducted at each stage of the scheduled abandonment of the pipeline.

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1300 263 624

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